Thursday 3 December 2015


The world needs financial education now than ever before, especially with the happenings in the job sectors across the globe since after the world economic meltdown of 2007. Sadly, most of the jobs that were wiped out in the aftermath of that recession didn’t come right back. Rather, more workers worldwide continue to face fresh threats due to the automation of computer software programs that can perform the same task human beings are required to do at work.

The knowledge that comes from understanding business, money, and how money works, is fast becoming an unfair advantage to a few people. The widening gap between the super-rich and everyone else is made by information. It’s now becoming a world of ‘’producers’’ versus ‘’the consumers.’’ And all self-made multimillionaires create their wealth by a carefully orchestrated process. A process that involves series of plans of action, in the form of a business, that focuses on what attracts money- a business that solves needs.

However, starting from the scratch is a true test of one’s determination. And obviously it is before entering the woods, that someone should need a map. And to be able to understand this knowledge, you need to have an open mind, and a flexible reality. You need to start by having a positive mindset!

The Disaster of Negative Thinking

 If really you want to move from where you are today to where you want to be tomorrow, then it’s very important to recognize these three (3) greatest invisible enemies- Indecision, Doubt and Fear. And when you get started on your plans, the hardest part about moving forward is making sure not to ever look back.
Fear is but an emotional state of the mind, which can be as a result of negative thinking and doubts, emanating from one’s subconscious mind. People who consciously avoid failing also avoid success, because failing is an integral part of the success in front.

The first step is to get rid of all negative thinking. Believe you can make more money and of course, you will make more money. Believe you can grow your business and you will grow your business. In fact, whatever you imagine can be achieved, but if only you believe you can.
Understanding Money and How Money Works
Prior to the invention of paper money, individuals had to meet face-to-face and exchange their goods with other people’s goods, in a traditional trade by barter system. So with the creation of money, goods no longer needed to be exchanged with goods anymore, as the purchasing power (i.e. the power to buy something) was shifted to the paper money.

Understanding money and how money works, is simply to know how to either be on the receiving end in terms of money, or to be on the giving end. And in the world today, it is usually natural for money to be flowing more from the hands of consumers into the hands of manufactures and producers. As a producer, you are the minority while consumers are the rest. Producers create assets that offer values, in exchange for cash in return.

If you want to move easily from where you are today financially to where you want to be tomorrow, the knowledge of how money works is very important. So perhaps as an average employee who is naturally on the giving side, and spending all your monthly income on several goods and services offered by other human beings; is definitely not the financially smartest thing to keep doing.
The Power of a Great Plan
As humans, it is not just enough to keep dreaming and wishing about a glorious and prosperous tomorrow. It is important to fully realize that the pathway into a great future, should be forged on a great and workable plan. In his book ‘’Think and Grow Rich,’’ Napoleon Hill described the power of a definite plan:

‘’Every human being who reaches the age of understanding of the purpose of money wishes for it. Wishing will not bring riches. But desiring riches with a state of the mind that becomes an obsession, then planning definite ways and means to acquire riches, and backing those plans with persistence which does not recognize failures, will bring riches.’’

To be sure of success, you must have plans which are flawless. A business plan is a document outlining the goals of the business and the strategies to achieve these goals. Definiteness of purpose, goals & objectives, marketing strategy, startup/operating cost and projected cash flow analysis are some of the features of a great business plan document.

But how sad that some people (or some business owners) who lack the passion to come up with any good written projections, decide to remain small, limiting the amount of profits that can be made. Whereas a web visit to kickstarter and GoFundMe will show you individuals who are raising money from an online crowd, all thanks to the power of having a great-looking plan to stick with, in the course of carrying out their projected business.
The Creation of an Asset
Assets work for business owners by producing passive income. Assets are the main creative part of the entire business system. There’s no doubt that in the world we live today, the richest people are owners of assets that offer real values for a large number of their customers.

 The creation of a business asset can take shape in different form:
  • For a manufacturer, the integration of the several units that make up an entire means of production, repeatedly does the job. And the resulting finished products are offered in the market to be exchanged for cash.
  • Authors invest a lot of their time through creative writing and at the end, these thousands of words and sentences are molded into a unit, and sold as hard copies or downloadable documents on the internet.
  • Movie producers can take over 3 – 6 months or even more to perform and film a movie script, and the result is probably a 120 minutes visual product which can generate cash for them across different continents.
  • Owners of schools and great colleges keep attracting huge amount of cash flow, because of how essential the world perceives education.The sports industry across the world have continued to boom significantly, and have supported the successful spring-ups of other related industries like advertisement, sport betting, TV stations, sport websites and online forums, etc.
  •  In real estate, the commercial apartments and the residential buildings, continue to generate cash flow to the property owners.And at the wake of the information age, experts in the online technology have succeeded in replicating some important traditional methods into online models like e-mail, auto-responder, splash/landing page, e-library, e-commerce, e-studies, etc.
The Power of Scale
From an entrepreneurial perspective, every business or service(s) no doubt needs customers. The amount of money to be realized, if all things being equal, is directly proportional to the number of products/services sold. But mostly employees, with fixed monthly income do not necessarily need to think in terms of scale.

It is the goal of every business owner to figure out the right thing to build- the thing customers want and will pay for- as quickly as possible. So it’s not just about building the right product but building a scalable business model that works.
Scale is leverage. Scale is large numbers. So if you want to achieve a significant scale, you simply have to get your product out to thousands, if not even millions of people, to see. The owners of Yahoo, Amazon, Google and Facebook, all became young billionaires (in US Dollars) in the last decade simply because billions of people use these online platforms across the globe. Several best-selling authors who were able to sell millions of copies became instant millionaires. And the same trend can be seen in the gaming industry, software companies, electronics, web-hosting companies, telecommunication giants, transport industries, oil and gas, etc.

Here’s a summary of what we have looked at so far:
  • The disaster of negative thinking—the key to your success is your ability to change and consciously control your belief system. Do not let fear, doubt and indecision keep you from ever getting started.
  • Understanding money and how money works—the act of making money is definitely not rocket science. Money is naturally earned by offering products/services that people need. Money is attracted to those who have what others want, desire, crave, or need.
  • The power of a great plan—a true business process begins with the creation of solid business plans, which consist of series of plans of actions to be followed effectively, to get to a profit-making region.
  • The creation of an asset—with the official worldwide unemployment climbing to more than 200 million just recently, it means the world rather needs more job creators than more job seekers. Creators create the assets that eventually put some folks to work, to become a part of satisfying the needs of the customers out there. 
  •  The power of scale—every business needs to keep selling in order to get into the profit-making region. To be able to attract more loyal customers you need to be doing one of these, or more: marketing, advertisement, sales promotion, growth-hacking, etc.

It’s now becoming a world of the smart, and creative folks running the big shows! Everything is business if you look at it from the other side of the coin. More cash flowing into some people’s pocket, and cash flowing out of other people’s pocket. However, it’s the knowledge from financial education that can get anybody prepared, if haven considered the risks involved and the rewards waiting at the end of the path.

1 comment:

  1. One thing I have noticed in life is how many successful people used the leverage of a great plan to patiently work their way to the top!
